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Can you help us?

Without us, many more people in North-West London would feel isolated, vulnerable and alone. Last year, we reached over 4,000 individuals, and helped them to thrive. Help us support and empower even more ADHD and Autistic people, raise awareness and acceptance, and improve access to services throughout North-West London.

Our Services

We support, so that neurodivergent individuals and their families can receive the services they need throughout their journey, both pre- and post- diagnosis.


We educate individuals and professionals, so that everyone in Northwest London and beyond has a better understanding of what it means to be autistic/ADHD.

About Us

We empower those who access our services to share their needs and wants, so that the support services we offer are tailored to our neurodivergent community.

What CAAS Does - Video

Welcome to the Centre for ADHD and Autism Support (CAAS). This video tells you some more about some of the services we offer and the people we support.

Our Impact

We are proud that the work we do makes a meaningful difference for those we support. Read our latest impact report to find out why what we do matters.

Our Story

Since our inception in 1996, we have worked to support, educate, and empower ADHD and autistic individuals, families, their communities and professionals in North-West London.

Our People

Our work is only possible thanks to our wonderful teams of committed staff and trustees.

Our Centre

We have three main offices, one each for our adult, youth, and family services. Visit them virtually here.


Whether it's jumping out of a plane or hosting a local bake sale, your fundraiser means the world to us.
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