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Join us for an insightful and interactive workshop designed specifically for parents and carers! Led by a Senior Speech and Language Therapist with over 30 years of experience, currently serving as the Service Manager for a multi-academy trust of special schools, this session will equip you with the tools and knowledge to support your child’s communication journey effectively. About the Speaker: With a career dedicated to speech and language therapy and a personal journey as a mother of four boys, our speaker brings a wealth of professional and personal experience. Her passion lies in empowering parents to understand and nurture their child’s communication strengths and needs, placing the family at the heart of the child’s development.

Engage in discussions, share experiences, and gain confidence in supporting your child’s self-advocacy and self-worth. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other parents and carers, and to empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to support your child’s communication and social development. Register now to secure your spot!


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