Our Funders

We are so grateful to each and every one of our funders. It is only through their support that we are able to serve the 4,000 ADHD and autistic people we work with each year. 

The National Lottery Community Fund

This grant funds the majority of CAAS Family Support Work. It covers some of our Family Support Team to run the Drop-In Support Groups and provide individual support for families. It also allows us to provide a creche facility during drop-in groups, and to provide translation support for families where English is not their first language.

The National Lottery Awards for All

This project funding, also administered through the National Lottery, allows us to offer our sleep service (workshops and individual support) to Harrow and Hillingdon residents.

Young Harrow Foundation

Through the Breathe project, we are able to offer some tailored support to those on the CAMHS waiting list, as well as provide information during regular coffee mornings in collaboration with Hope Harrow


Headsup is our partnership with other local mental wellbeing charities. This year we have been funded by CNWL CAMHS and by Reaching Communities National Lottery to continue our work in the youth team, supporting young people in Harrow and Hillingdon on a one2one basis.

City Bridge Trust

City Bridge Trust funds some of our youth work. This includes a contribution towards the salary of our Youth Services Manager, and funding for the Girls and SIBS groups. It also involves a Youth and Family Worker working one-to-one with young people, specialist youth courses, training for schools, workshops for parents, and peer awareness sessions.

London Borough Council of Hillingdon

A corporate grant from the London Borough of Hillingdon funds part of our management salaries and two specialist parenting courses for Hillingdon residents.

CNWL (Hillingdon)

The Hillingdon Young Adult Grant has enabled us to pilot transition work for Hillingdon young people aged 17+, offering them one to one support and access to our social groups.

Children in Need

We were delighted in 2023 to receive core funding from Children in Need over the next 3 years, to support us as we invest in our back office functions, to ensure that as a charity we have systems that are fit for purpose for the future.

Harrow Council

CAAS are commissioned by the London Borough of Harrow Early Support team to provide parenting support, and three specialist courses to residents of Harrow. We are also commissioned by Adult Social Care to provide one2one and drop-in support for Harrow adults.

North West London ICB

North West London CCG commissions our services for autistic adults (without a learning disability) across the eight North West London local authorities (Harrow, Hillingdon, Brent, Ealing, Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith and Hounslow).

CNWL (Harrow)

The Autism Navigator funding has enabled us to pilot a new transition service for autistic young people in Harrow aged 17-25.

Harrow CCG

Harrow CCG have been a long term funding partner, and a champion of ADHD services. Our funding from them part funds a Youth and Family Worker, as well as all of our Adult ADHD Services, including one2one support and social groups.

Ealing Community Partners

This funding provides a post-diagnostic and behaviour support service for Ealing families, as well as bespoke workshops and individual advice on sleep for autistic children.

Heathrow Community Trust

This funding has enabled us to offer places on our Creative Group and our young person's Social Group to Hillingdon residents this year.

John Lyon's Charity

John Lyon's Charity part-funds our Youth and Family work, as well as our specialist parenting courses.

Sisters of the Holy Cross

Sisters of the Holy Cross

We were delighted that Sisters agreed to part fund our youth worker for two years, offering one2one sessions to Harrow and Hillingdon young people.


We were delighted to receive funding towards our family support work through success in the Tesco "blue token"scheme in stores throughout the country.



This funder is supporting a number of organisations to prevent suicide and self harm - our funding allows us to offer 3 therapist-led courses for autistic/ADHD adults in pursuit of this aim.

Garfield Weston

Garfield Weston

Garfield Weston are an amazing funder, who provide core funding to enable the charity to grow in a sustainable way.

Foyle Foundation

We are delighted that our long running drama therapy project for young people can run again this year, thanks to the very kind support of The Foyle Foundation.

Frustrated Communication

Frustrated Communication

Frustrated Communication are a wonderful local charity which supports individuals with communication differences, and we are hugely grateful to them for funding our Social and Creative groups this year.

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