Useful External Links

Miscellaneous Links

Here are some resources we have found helpful for our clients and their families.  Please email to let us know about any other good resources we could include.  

The best place to learn about autism and ADHD and get further support is from ADHD/autistic people themselves; be sure to seek out books, websites, blogs, and more authored by ADHD/autistic people.

General Links

Resources, advice, and guidance about autism from the National Autistic Society

Resources, advice, and guidance from the ADHD foundation

Resources and signposting to local services from NHS North-West London.

Resources and signposting to local services from the borough of Hillingdon.

Pathological Demand Avoidance – Autism: What Is PDA?

An advisor guide to personal independence payment regulations & case law.

Ambitious About Autism have a series of videos by autistic people, sharing their experiences on a range of topics.

A great glossary of SEND terms and definitions that you may find helpful.

Links for Parents & Schools

An autism roadmap developed to help families find support for children that have been diagnosed with autism, or who are awaiting a formal diagnosis.

Special Needs Jungle have a wealth of fabulous resources for parents of children with special needs and/or disabilities.

Support around entitlement to reasonable adjustments and advocacy in schools.

Advice for teachers who are supporting ADHD pupils.

Letter templates you may choose to use when in conflict with a school about EHCPs, complaints, exam adjustments, etc.

School Avoidance

We know that many ADHD/autistic young people can find school difficult.  If your child is struggling to regularly attend school, these websites have some information that you might find helpful.

Links for Young People

The mental health toolkit has been designed by young people with the support of Volunteering Matters.  It give some great advice about how to manage your mental health, and provides tips, activities, and links to further resources

The Know Your Normal campaign aims to reduce the stigma around mental health and create resources for autistic young people to work out and understand what their normal is.  Check out their video here and use their resources to develop your own ‘know my normal’ toolkit.

Calmdown strategies for teens.  Download this free resource kit from Learning for a Purpose, to learn more about emotional regulation and sensory meltdowns, and design a ‘calm down toolkit’ with your teenager

47 Emotional Regulation Activities for Kids: lots of children of all ages can struggle to regulate their emotions.  This website provides some ideas for activities you could do with your child to help them develop strategies for manging their feelings. 

Links for Adults

The National Autistic Society has created this Autism Alert Card that you can use to let people know that you are autistic, and that you might need some extra time or help in certain situations.

Hospital Passports

An easy read document from the NHS to help healthcare staff better understand your medical, communication, and reasonable adjustment needs. (Source)

A document from the National Autistic Society to help healthcare staff better understand your medical, communication, sensory, and reasonable adjustment needs.

A document from Thriving Autistic to help therapists and counsellors better understand your goals for therapy, communication and sensory needs, and record any adjustments you might like to request.

For your convenience, this website may provide links or pointers to third party sites. We make no representations about any other websites that may be accessed from this website. If you choose to access any such sites, you do so at your own risk. We have no control over the contents of any such third party sites, and accept no responsibility for such sites or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. You are subject to any terms and conditions of such third party sites.

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